Painting "River in spring"

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Artist/Maker: Aleksandrs Štrāls

Artist/Maker Dates: 1879 - 1947

Place of Production: Latvia

Date of Production: 1930s

Materials: canvas, cardboard, oil

Width: 44.5 cm.

Height: 33.5 cm.


He wrote realistic landscapes and genre works in oil using the impressionist tradition of color processing and paint smear. Made vignettes and drawings for magazines Dzelme, Stari, etc. D., Illustrated works forJ. Jaunsudrabins and K. Strals.

Alexander Stral was born on June 12, 1879 in the Riga district, in the Stukmansky parish, in Bebrulejas. He studied at the art school of V. Blum in Riga (1899-1902), briefly at the school of the Imperial Society for the Promotion of Arts in Petersbourg (1902).

Member of the Association of Independent Artists (since 1922), member of the Union of Artists since 1945. Participated in exhibitions since 1901. The solo exhibitions were held in Riga (1909, together with A. Tigin), Riga and Madonna (1929), Jēkabpils, Daugavpils in Daugavpils (1930, together with A. Tigina), Rezekne (1931), Pļavinas and Koknese (1943). Memorial exhibitions - in Riga and Madonna (1964), Koknese (1968, 1979), Valmiera (1987) and Riga (1980).

From 1903 he worked as decorator assistant at the Riga Russian Theater, until 1914 at the Apollo Theater, at the New Riga Theater, as well as in Ergli, Selpils, Jumprava, Jekabpils and other cities. He worked as a drawing teacher during the First World War in Kuban (1918-1920), the gymnasium of Plavinas (1922-1929).

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